By Title
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Type & Number Link to BoardDocs Details Title
R4118 Underfill Appointment or Assignment (Unified Salary Scale)
P4780 Unemployment Compensation
R8505 Uniforms and Safety Shoes—Trades and Custodial Employees
P2630 Use and Parking of Private Motor Vehicles on School Property by High School Students
R2630 Use of Automobiles and Other Motor Vehicles by High School Students on School Premises
P6401 Use of FCPS Network and Internet Resources
R8567 Use of Maintenance Check-In Sheets
R8626 Use of Open Flame and Pyrotechnic Special Effects
R2145 Use of Positive Reinforcement With Students
R8621 Use of School Board-Owned Sedans, Station Wagons, Trucks, and Buses
R8620 Use of School Buses for Nonschool Purposes

Data retrieved 09-26-2024 11:30 PM