By Title
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Type & Number Link to BoardDocs Details Title
R4135 COVID-19 Employee Reporting
R8270 Capital Outlay and Facilities Improvements
R4156 Career Ladder Appointment, Assignment, or Advancement
R8545 Carpet Cleaning
P3380 Ceremonies and Observances
P3009 Challenged Library and Instructional Materials
R3009 Challenged Library and Instructional Materials
R6405 Change Management Process
N8620 Charge for Use of School Buses
N5009 Charging Lunches in Schools
P1375 Charity Drives
P1400 Charter Schools
R1400 Charter Schools
R8628 Chemicals and Chemical Products for Instruction and Building Operations
P2115 Child Abuse Reporting Procedures
P8561 Child Care Services
P1710 Citizen Advisory Committees to the School Board
P1701 Citizen Advisory Committees to the Superintendent
R3207 Classroom Use of Schoology
P4260 Closing or Merging of Schools—Placement of Employees
R4260 Closing or Merging of Schools—Placement of Employees
R2107 Collection of Public Health System Data
P1310 Combination-Grade and Multiage Classes—Elementary Grades
R1310 Combination-Grade and Multiage Classes—Elementary Grades
P2475 Commencement Activities
P4910 Commitment to Human Relations
P4450 Communication Between the School Board and Its Employees
P4510 Communication with Employee Organizations
R3513 Community Education and Adult ESOL
P3840 Community Events and Student Performances
N8420 Community Use of FacilitiesFY24 Fee Schedules and Other Information
N8421 Community Use of Gymnasiums, Fields, and Tracks
P8420 Community Use of School Facilities
R8420 Community Use of School Facilities
R8422 Community Use of School Facilities as Polling Places
N8422 Community Use of School Facilities as Polling Places for the General Elections, March 05, 2024
N8423 Community Use of School FacilitiesSY 2023-2024 Fairfax County Neighborhood and Recreation Services and the Fairfax County Park Authority
N8423 Summer Community Use of School Facilities—Summer Requirements 2018, Fairfax County Community and Recreation Services and Fairfax County Park Authority
P4102 Compensation Plan For Operational Personnel
P2201 Compulsory Attendance Requirements
R5021 Computer Hardware Standardization and Acquisition
R6230 Computer Systems and Wide-Area Network (WAN) Availability
R4429 Conduct and Discipline—Support Employees
P2730 Confidentiality of Student Information
R4430 Conflict of Interest - Employees
P1801 Conflict of Interest and Statement of Economic Interest—School Board Members and Superintendent of Schools
P4430 Conflict of Interest—Employees
P1200 Constitutional Authority
R8253 Construction Records and Reports
P8240 Construction, Maintenance Services, Bids, Contracts, Bonds, and Conflict of Interest
P3829 Contests and Awards
R3836 Contests and Competitions
R4120 Contracts—Teachers, Other Licensed Professionals, Transportation Personnel, Food and Nutrition Services Personnel, Athletic Coaching or Extra-Duty Assignments
P4120 Contracts—Teachers, Other Licensed Professionals, Transportation Personnel, Food and Nutrition Services Personnel, Athletic Coaching or Other Extra-Duty Assignments
R8538 Control of Vent Fans
P3280 Controversial Issues
R3280 Controversial Issues
R2504 Counseling Pregnant Students
P1380 Courier Service
R9002 Credit Courses
R2442 Credit for Secondary Students With a Home Language Other Than English
R3230 Curriculum Development—Program of Studies Revision
R1707 Curriculum—Information and Feedback Meetings
R8511 Custodial Services—Instructions Concerning Snow Emergencies
R8512 Custodial Services—Restrooms for Adult Education and Community Use Activities

Data retrieved 07-26-2024 11:30 PM