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N(FY 2025) Substitutes - Allocations and Time and Attendance Reporting 5620 Substitutes
P1100 Legal Authority, Directive System
R1100 Topical Index
P1102 Development of Directives
R1102 Procedures for Maintenance of Directives
P1104 Format for Directives
R1104 Format Guidelines for Directives
P1105 Auditor General Authority
P1106 Protection Against Retaliation When Engaged in Protected Activity
P1107 Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
P1200 Constitutional Authority
R1200 State Organizational Chart
N1202 Rescinds Policy 1202
P1203 Division Superintendent’s Role
P1204 Organization Chart for the School Division
R1204 School System Organizational Charts and Department Functions
P1301 Staffing Standards for School Administrators, Teachers, and Support Staff
R1302 Elementary Class Size Guidelines
N1309 Rescinds Policy 1309
P1310 Combination-Grade and Multiage Classes—Elementary Grades
R1310 Combination-Grade and Multiage Classes—Elementary Grades
R1320 Guidelines for Restricting Interruptions to Instructional Time—Middle and High Schools
N1340 Rescinds Policy 1340
N1341 Rescinds Policy 1341
P1344 Standard School Year Calendar
R1344 Standard School Year Calendar
N1345 Rescinds Policy and Regulation 1345
P1350 Emergency Closing and Delayed Opening of Schools
R1350 Emergency Closing and Delayed Opening of Schools
P1352 Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
P1354 Flag Rules and Regulations
R1354 Flag Rules and Regulations
R1355 Required Notices to Be Displayed in Work Locations
P1360 Visitors to Schools
R1361 Visitor Conduct on FCPS Grounds
P1365 Distribution of Materials
R1367 Distribution of Fliers or Other Informational Materials, Nonprofit Organizations’ Access, and Procedures for Contests and Competitions
P1370 Fundraising
R1370 Fundraising
P1375 Charity Drives
P1380 Courier Service
P1382 Organization of School Safety Patrols
R1383 Student Safety Patrol Handbook
P1400 Charter Schools
R1400 Charter Schools
P1401 Standards of Quality Mandated by the Code of Virginia
P1402 School Accreditation
N1403 Rescinds Policy 1403
N1404 Rescinds Policy 1404
P1405 Accountability for Division Efficiency and Effectiveness
P1406 Integrated Planning and Budgeting
R1406 Integrated Planning and Budgeting
R1410 Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Embezzlement, Fraud, Waste, or Abuse, and Other Financial Wrongdoing
P1420 Accountability for Public Funds and Property
N1420 Rescinds Regulation 1420
P1421 Retaining Consultants
R1425 Reproduction and Use of Copyrighted Materials
P1440 Educational Equity Policy
R1440 Educational Equity Regulation
P1445 Trust Policy
R1446 Regulation to Protect Student and Family Information and Records
P1450 Nondiscrimination
R1450 Declaration of Nondiscrimination—Individuals With Disabilities
R1451 Declaration of Nondiscrimination—School Publications
R1452 Nondiscrimination in Facilities
R1453 Title IX Compliance
R1454 Declaration of Nondiscrimination—Students With Disabilities
P1455 Family Engagement Policy
P1460 Religion
R1461 Religion
P1475 Approval Process for Research Studies and Data Collection Activities
R1475 Research Studies and Data Collection Activities
P1501 Public Access to Information
R1501 Public Access to Information
R1502 Expectations for Meditation and Silent Reflection Space Accommodations
P1503 Website Privacy
N1505 Rescinds Regulation 1505
N1506 Rescinds Regulation 1506
N1520 Rescinds Policy 1520
N1522 Rescinds Policy 1522
P1530 Volunteers
N1530 Rescinds Regulation 1530
R1531 Forms for Volunteer Program Data
P1701 Citizen Advisory Committees to the Superintendent
N1701 Rescinds Regulation 1701
P1703 Student Advisory Council to the Superintendent
R1703 Student Advisory Council to the Superintendent
P1705 Employee Advisory Committees to the Superintendent
R1705 Employee Advisory Councils
N1705 Employee Advisory Councils—Superintendent's Teacher Advisory Council
R1707 Curriculum—Information and Feedback Meetings
R1708 Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee
P1710 Citizen Advisory Committees to the School Board
N1710 Rescinds Regulation 1710
R1715 Advisory Committees
P1720 Parent-Teacher Associations
P1800 Guidelines for Conduct of School Board and Other Election Campaigns
P1801 Conflict of Interest and Statement of Economic Interest—School Board Members and Superintendent of Schools
P1802 Student Representative to School Board
N1803 Rescinds Policy 1803
N1804 Rescinds Policy 1804
N1805 Rescinds Policy 1805
N1806 Rescinds Policy 1806
N1807 Rescinds Policy 1807
N1808 Rescinds Policy 1808
N1809 Rescinds Policy 1809
P1810 Benefits for School Board Members
N1811 Rescinds Policy 1811
N1812 Rescinds Policy 1812
N1813 Rescinds Policy 1813
N1814 Rescinds Policy 1814
N1815 Rescinds Policy 1815
N1816 Rescinds Policy 1816
N1817 Rescinds Policy 1817
N1818 Rescinds Policy 1818
P1819 School Board Code of Conduct, Standards and Protocols
P1900 Standardized Tests and Testing—Educational and Psychological Tests
R1900 Standardized Test and Testing—Educational and Psychological Tests
R1901 Procedures for Evaluating and Adopting New, Revised, Previously Unapproved Standardized Assessment Measures, Inventories, Surveys, and Other Psychometric Instruments
R1910 Parental Notification of General Education Screening Assessments

Data retrieved 10-03-2024 11:40 PM