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P5001 School Food Service Program
N5001 School Food Service Program Prices—School Year 2022-23
P5002 Free and Reduced-Priced Meals
R5002 Free and Reduced-Price Meals
N5002 Annual Agreement to Participate in the School Nutrition Programs
P5003 Food Sales and Services
R5004 Food Sales in Schools
R5005 Food Sales—Vending Machines
R5006 Sale of Student-Prepared Food—Family and Consumer Sciences and Culinary Arts Program
R5007P Food and Nutrition Services Manual?Policies and Procedures
N5008 Rescinds Regulation and Policy 5008, Student and Staff Health and Wellness
N5009 Charging Lunches in Schools
P5010 Procurement of Goods and Services Except Construction
P5011 Authority to Contract
N5011 Authority to Contract, Annual List of Designees
R5012 Purchasing Goods and Non-Professional Services Using Appropriated and Nonappropriated Funds
N5013 Rescinds Regulation 5013, Advanced Appropriated Funds Program
P5015 Procurement of Professional and Consultant Services
R5016 Purchase of Equipment and Furnishings Requiring Installation
P5017 School Procurement System
N5017 Rescind Regulation 5017
R5018 Warehousing and Distribution System—Supplies, Textbooks, and Equipment
R5019 Emergency Warehouse Orders, Passive and Reservation
R5021 Computer Hardware Standardization and Acquisition
R5022 Purchase of Basal Materials, Instructional Materials, and Library Materials
R5023 Textbook Rebinding
R5024 Instructional Materials and Services—Federal and State Projects
R5025 Loan of Equipment for Evaluation
R5026 Diploma Procurement
R5027 Acquisition of Musical Instruments and Sheet Music
P5028 System of Inventory Management
R5028 Asset Management
P5029 Equipment Ownership and Use
P5030 Disposal of Surplus Books, Equipment, Instructional Materials, Furniture, and Supplies
R5030 Redistribution and Disposal of Products
P5105 Authority to Enter Into Contractual Agreements
P5110 Effective Management of Funds
N5110 Fiscal Year 2024 Closeout
R5111 Financial Management Reconciliation (FMR) Requirements
N5111 Financial Management Report (FMR) Distribution and Reconciliation Schedule
R5112 Approval Authority for Financial Documents
R5115 Memberships in Professional, Educational, and Community Associations
R5120 Employee Group Funds, Faculty Funds, and Sunshine Funds
R5130 Position Control and Personnel Action Request
R5135 Reallocation of Authorized Funds Affecting Positions
N5150 Advancing Appropriated Funds to Schools
P5210 Petty Cash Funds
R5210 School Board Petty Cash Funds
R5220 Bank Accounts
N5220 Bank Accounts
R5310 Travel—Local and Nonlocal
R5311 Travel—Local and Nonlocal
R5320 Sales and Use Tax
R5330 Payments of Nonpayroll Systemwide Obligations
R5350 Procurement Card Management
P5410 Periodic Audits
P5501 Preparation of Annual Budget
R5501P Annual Budget Manual
R5510 Periodic Budget Reviews
R5610 Pay of Personnel
R5620 Time and Attendance Administration Procedures
N5620 Pay Schedules 2023-24
N5620 Pay Schedules 2024-25
N5620 Substitutes Substitutes- Allocations and Time and Attendance Reporting
R5640 Payment for Summer School, Curriculum Development, and Other Temporary Assignments
R5650 Direct Deposit of Nonpayroll Related Reimbursements
R5660 Taxable Use of Employer-Provided Vehicles
P5710 Property and Casualty Coverage and Bonds
R5720 Property Losses
P5725 Responsibilities for Students’ Personal Property
R5725 Responsibilities for Students’ Personal Property
R5730 Privately Owned Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures
P5740 Student Accident and Life Insurance
R5740 Student Accident Insurance Claims Procedures
N5741 Rescinds Regulation 5741, Field Trip - Financing
R5742 Field Trip Accident and Illness Insurance
R5750 Volunteer Worker Medical Costs Coverage
R5770 Reporting Student Injuries
R5780 Reporting Procedures for Vandalism, Theft, or Break-In
P5790 Field Trips
R5790 Field Trips—Planning, Financing, and Conducting
N5790 Field Trips – Requirements for Stock Epinephrine Field Trip Kits
P5810 Administration of School Activity Funds
R5810 School Activity Funds Management
R5812 Ticket Management
R5815 Guidelines for Virginia High School League (VHSL) Tournaments
R5817 Guidelines For Memorial, Commemorative, Scholarship, and Special Purpose Funds
P5820 Equipment for School Activities
P5830 School Stores
R5910 Monetary Receipts
P5920 Student Fees, Contributions, and Recoverable Costs
R5922 Student Fees
N5922 Student Fees
R5940 School Food Services Fund
R5950 Financing of Early Childhood Careers Preschool
P5960 Donations to Schools
R5961 Donations to Schools
N5961 Donations to Schools
R5970 Grants
R5980 Sale of Fairfax County Schools’ Intellectual Property

Data retrieved 07-26-2024 11:40 PM